Archive for the ‘Courage’ Category

On Being Vulnerable

Posted: March 10, 2020 in Courage
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For spiritual reflection during Lent this year, I am using a “Living Compass” guide, part of an initiative of the Rev. Dr, Scott Stone. Several contributors have joined him in writing the daily reflections. The theme around which these reflections are organized is courage. In the introduction, Scott writes, “When facing change and uncertainty, few practices are more central to that life than courage—the courage to be vulnerable, the courage to grow, the courage to change direction, the courage to let go, the courage to act with grace, and the courage to walk the way of love.” I anticipate the six weeks of Lent—either because of my thick headedness or my shallow soul-ness—will leave me feeling that a week on each of these themes is not long enough to allow God’s Spirit to take me deep into my interior and find what I need to celebrate and what I need to work on.
