Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’

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I’ve begun my 2020 journey toward Holy Week with a renewed spirit. For a few months before Lent began, I’ve explored worship in a new way for me. Worship has always been important for my spiritual wellbeing. It’s the reason I habitually appear in the company of Christians on Sunday mornings. I do not worship to hear a sermon with tired cliches and trite phrases. Or vapid lyrics set to ear-worm tunes disconnected to the real life issues of people sitting around me. The ordered service centered around a sermon based on a verse or few of scripture without anchoring it in the context of the grand story of God’s relationship with his creation, leaves worship disconnected, an isolated hour in the middle of living. I can leave such worship without knowing where I am as a Christian in the annual cycle of celebrating the Christ Event.

My desire when I gather with Christians for worship is for a deep spiritual experience with my Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I am not seeking a sermon, which is a small part (almost an aside) of entering into fellowship with Jesus. I want to enter worship bringing something to offer Jesus—a thankful heart to bless his name or a contrite heart and confession of sin—and leave with the distinct feeling—even perhaps an emotionally physical feeling—of having been with him. Walking out of the nave I have a spring in my step, and a song in my heart. I leave with the words of the gospel song “There’s Just Something About that Name” ringing in my soul. I walk toward lunch with confidence. I have been with God’s people; and we have been with Jesus. It is the joy of Easter on those Sundays.

However, worship does not always leave me buoyant and joyful. This is the season of Lent. Sometimes, during Lent, I leave while still confessing. When meeting Jesus, his scars scream out the sins if my ways and worship has only begun the process of dealing with them and bringing them to him. I need more time to sincerely unpack them with a deeply contrite spirit, more time to consciously form words with which I can begin to describe them. They are subtle, they hide behind observable goodness. They wear masques in order to cover their hideous disgust and thereby appear acceptable. They deceptively leave my “witness” unmarred. It’s when I meet Jesus in worship that he gently guides me to see that with which I need to deal. I’m grateful that Lent is not a one-day or one-week celebration. I need time to deal with sinning “through our own fault, in thought, and word, and deed, and in what we have left undone,” as we confess in the liturgy.

I know Easter is coming. I’m not quite ready yet, but I know it’s coming. And with Easter comes the promise that he’ll come again, the hope of Glory.

Glory to the Father and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.

Is your life designed by God and unchangeable by any decision or choice you might make? If it is, you must be like a robot? Robots don’t write their own codes; rather, they follow the pre-determined design of the programmer. (more…)

imagesWhat do you understand the local church to be? Is it a group of people who all think in unison with a set of beliefs to which each has subscribed?  Or, is it a group of people who are worshiping God together even though they may not all agree to what that means? I recently read a post on Travis Flanagan’s website Help Me Believe  titled “What Is the Local Church” in which he provided this definition of the local church.


imagesEaster is coming. As I sit here looking out onto a rain-slicked Tucker Avenue and parks, which are trying to become spring-green, under a thin, grey, leaky sky, I do not feel energy for tackling the tasks of the day. The freshness spring—officially five days old—should usher in is absent from the scene. How inappropriate, incongruent with the season today seems—temperature in the forties, drizzly rain, and grey skies does not paint an image of joyful spring with kids (goats or children) frolicking in green meadows. But it’s going to get worse.


IMG_0100I have been in a process of reimagining my life. The word “reimagine” means to reinterpret or rethink an earlier version. It is approaching again something already experienced but in a new way. 

The memories are warm and comforting as I recall times in my life when I was completely encased in the ethos of those days, enveloped in a particular kind of Christianity and particular brand of Baptist. Inside that cocoon I felt comfortable and safe, developed ministry skills, and exercised spiritual gifts. Yet there were times I felt empty, that there was surely more to Christian living than a confining sterile obedience to biblical principles.  (more…)

In this post, I’m moving beyond sexuality to talk about straddling a fence. Living Between Two Worlds authentically and with integrity is not easy. Attempting to live such a life for a gay person is compounded by a perceived oxymoron—a gay Christian—by both the Christian community and the gay community. (more…)

thThis is the second part in a series about being both Christian and gay. Dealing with Scripture is the place we are beginning this conversation. In considering “How We Read the Bible,” I must first give you a statement of my faith: I claim faith in God and in Jesus the Christ, his Son. The totality of Jesus’ life among us—his teachings, his activity, his moral life, his resurrection after having been killed and buried—gives me hope. Yes, I am a gay man. For some people, mashing together my faith statement and my declaration of my sexual orientation creates a conundrum. (more…)

The context for this blog conversation, which I hope you will engage, is the intersection of faith and sexuality, particularly, my faith and sexuality. 

Beginning in the early eighties, I was drawn to every printed word about homosexuality I came across. I filed every newspaper and magazine article I could find. At the time, I had not self-identified as gay, but I was desperately trying to find clarity to my sexuality in the context of my faith. 


“Being Christian and Gay” is a topic I am addressing in a series of posts on this blog. I am Christian. I am gay.

There is a dichotomy of passion and reason in current responses to the gay-Christian debate. Both of these fundamental responses—passion and reason—ebb and flow to a degree; but passion, which often is blind, usually usurps reason, which comes only after passion is quieted. It is my hope that my experience will shed some light on living a Christian life as a gay man. (more…)